Past projects
YOOF - Youth Multimedia and Food
Raising the profile and skills of young people
by working with and recording sustainable enterprises that produce and process food
With a team of young people from the UK and Spain
Improving food production, multimedia and entrepreneurial skills
Visiting a range of sustainable food producers and processors in farms, gardens and kitchens
Making videos, podcasts and blogs about food producers, cooks and their work
Vocational Education for Educators of Responsible Entrepreneurship
The VEERE project provides guidance for educators on student-led eco-enterprises in schools and colleges. It has been set up to meet the needs of teachers and schools managers to foster the spirit of enterprise in schools and bridge the gap between Enterprise Education, Education for Sustainable Development and global citizenship.
It aims to introduce some alternative approaches to enterprise education for 14-19 year olds in the context of:
the Cooperative economy - How we manage our enterprise and work together
the Social economy – Why we develop an enterprise
the Green (or circular) economy - What we develop, produce and trade
the Glocal (global and local) economy – Who we work and trade with
It will help you develop enterprise education activities at your school or college that are:
internationally – focused
A free downloadable Teaching Guide to Education for Responsible Entrepreneurship in three languages
A YouTube Channel with 20 or so short videos, mainly in English, mentioned in the Guide on Education for Responsible Entrepreneurship
An EC Strategic Partnership project 2014-16
SustEd (UK) Coordinators
Anima Mundi (Italy)
Historisch- Ökologische Bildungsstätte (Germany)
Vocational Education for the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism Enterprises
The Vocational Educational for the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism Enterprises (VESURT) project had partners from four countries. Its aimed to train rural tourism providers to become more sustainable. It developed and evaluated short training activities, using shared resources, for rural tourism sector staff, trainees, students and partners about sustainable and local tourism.
We produced a website with about 30 case studies (with videos, photos and presentations) and 12 learner activities (with briefs, activity sheets and examples of student work) all based on an existing BTEC Responsible Tourism Module. The cases studies of rural sustainable tourism were from the UK, Poland, Portugal and Spain, exploring ecotourism, gastrotourism, agrotourism, sport tourism, and cultural tourism through the themes of food, festivals, nature, travel, sport, language.
An EC Leonardo Partnership Project with UK, Poland, Spain and Portugal 2012-2013
UK - Susted, Coordinator
Poland - Zespół Szkół Technicznych w Białymstoku
Spain - Youth Association Celtas Terrae
Portugal - Escola Básica do 2/3 de Baião
Vital Education Norway Norfolk
A Comenius Regio Partnership project which ran from August 2011 to June 2013.
It identified ways in which the two partner local authorities could work with schools and colleges so that their outdoor learning/learning beyond the classroom provided the basis for enhanced educational achievement, a more sustainable school and personal behaviour change in response to climate change education. Comenius is one of the Life Long Learning Programmes, funded by the British Council in the UK, and aims to increase the quality of school education. Regio projects link Local Authorities across Europe and focus upon the exchange of good practice in an area of mutual interest.
Video - The Value of learning outdoors
ACEWild (Alternative Curriculum Education out of the Wild)
SustEd developed the ACEWild project with Norfolk County Council on environmental learning outdoors for secondary schools and teachers of pupils with challenging behaviour.
ACEWild (Alternative Curriculum Education out of the Wild) is a partnership between the UK, the Netherlands & Germany that explored how schools could improve the life chances of their most vulnerable secondary school-aged pupils through outdoor/environment-based learning programmes.
ACEWild aims to demonstrate how secondary schools can improve their students learning, skills and ‘life chances’ through outdoor or environment-themed learning programmes. It is especially relevant for those who support young people with additional needs and where students would benefit from a little extra support to reach their goals.
Selected groups of secondary school students from the UK, Germany, and Netherlands, who have been identified as being at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training), have participated in a range of Erasmus-funded pilot programmes, designed to:
– raise pupils’ aspirations and self-confidence
– provide experience, qualifications and work opportunities in the outdoors or environmental sector
– develop communication, collaboration, critical and creative thinking and global citizenship skills
Past workshops, presentations and projects
Teachers Workshops on Climate Change
Lifeshift - Youth Workshops on Low Carbon Lifestyles
Presentation on Green Lifestyles to International Conference on Greener Cities, United Arab Emirates
Teaching Ethical financial literacy, Higher Education Academy, Economic Network, LSE, London
Development of sustainable community projects with local enterprises. Cummins Generators, 2011
Climate change adviser, trainer and presenter on educational projects, courses and conferences. Emirates Environmental Group, Dubai, 2008-11
Development of community, business and education projects. Stamford Transition Town, 2010-11
Development of low carbon management and Forest Schools projects in schools, Rutland County Council, Lincolnshire County Council, 2010-11
Low Carbon Family Events for whole school Low Carbon activity days. Stamford Transition Town, 2010
Review and recommendations on EcoSchools support in Leicestershire. Leicestershire County Council, 2009
Partner with 6 countries in EU Interreg 2C Project called European Wetlands in Spatial planning – sustainable wetland tourism. Getteron Naturreservat, Sweden, 2001
Development of several projects on resource efficiency and conservation for businesses (eg. Gradient - Graduates into Enterprise) and rural resource management (eg. EU Leader funded PERC project), various EU-funded projects on environmental and carbon management related to waste, energy and water. StudentForce for Sustainability as Founder and Director, 2000 – 2009